PERTIWI: Committed To Empowering Marginalized Communities

PERTIWI Has Been Serving the Community Since 1967

Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam Malaysia (PERTIWI) has made a significant impact on the lives of individuals for over five decades. Since its foundation in September 1967, just four years after the formation of Malaysia, we have empowered women and children, particularly those from impoverished rural backgrounds.

Our initial vision, ‘Didik Wanita, Terdidiklah Bangsa’ (Educate Women, Educate the Nation), has been the driving force behind our education and awareness programmes in rural areas, encouraging mothers to prioritise their children's education, especially girls, up to tertiary level.

As Malaysia underwent rapid development, we recognised the emerging social issues faced by those unable to keep up with progress. Through our community programmes, we help those falling through the cracks in society, particularly in the context of rural-to-urban migration and its associated challenges. Our initiatives have mirrored the nation's economic progress, addressing the corresponding social problems that arise.

We remain committed to our current mission and vision, playing a crucial role in improving the lives of marginalised communities, especially children, women, and the elderly.

In recent years, we have shifted our focus to the urban poor, adapting to the changing needs of society. Through our flagship programmes, PERTIWI Soup Kitchen (PSK) and PERTIWI Health Services (PHS), we provide vital assistance to those who require it to reduce their hardship. 

Join Us

PERTIWI's activities are overseen by a central committee, with invaluable support and assistance from committed volunteers representing diverse backgrounds. We warmly welcome more volunteers and contributors from all walks of society to join us in our meaningful cause. 

Together, let us create a powerful impact and bring about positive changes in our community. 


Years of establishment


PERTIWI will continue with relevant community projects and activities to meet the current needs of the community.


PERTIWI is always proactive and responsible towards improving the welfare of the community.